I have gone to gospel hall for worship and sunday service...
The feeling now is so nice and relieved!
I love this feeling,knowing God is in control of EVERYTHING,
clearly I know that is is a feeling of peace and joy.
It is again my good start in this week.
From the sermon I learnt,
we can know that faith should be activated,
faith is a saying without working,
faith can be accomplished by DOING.
faith can be accomplished by DOING.
Abraham is known by Father of Faith,
he has done pretty well in his life,
whenever God asks him to do,he does;
He has built a really good relationship woth God,
even God dont want to hide any thoughts from Abraham.(Gen 18:17)
Can you imagine how good the relationship is!
From the sermon,I know that we will be blessed when we build good relationship woth God.
Every area in your life: relationship,health,academic,finances and any others,
you can get from God, because God is in control of anything.
Jesus said,He wants us to live an abundant life,without worries..
See,how good it is if we have abundant life with real peace and joy!
Yet,sometimes we may face challenges and testing form God,
even Abraham.
But he activate his faith,
he does what God wants him to do,
God wants him to sacrifice his son as burnt offering,
apparently,it is difficult to make this decision,
have you thought before,what you will do if God wants you to do that?
And finally, we know that it is just a test from God,
Abraham is being stopped by God,
God is testing his faith,and now he is blessed much more,
due to this FAITH!!
If we know God well, we know that He is a merciful and He is a sign of love,
He loves you and me and everyone,
until you reach a level of faith,you will do whatever God wants you to do,
because YOU KNOW HIM,
he won't want you to "kill your son as offering"
because He loves us,
we sometimes hesistated to do something just because of we don't know God well.
Are we get more far from God now?
Today is a great day to start get His blessings!
and remember,
when we are hesitated to "sacrifice our sons for offering to God".
God HAD "sacrifice his son for us" !
God Bless~

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