Finally,finish my Redang trip,
it is a blessing from God and a scripture has been proved:
Commit to Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Beach and Sunshine,
Sharks and corals,
Enjoy the trip with my brothers and sisters.
Thanks all ^^
I let judgement of people ruin my day,
I let my EQ controlled by the freaking situation,
I let myself down in mood and start having a bad temper day.
It is so easy to get my mood stucked by the situation,
I promise to myself,no more,
whatever they judge me,I don't care,
Yah,I have past,so what?
Yah,I still have the same old trouble,SO WHAT MAN?!
God haven't judge me,when is your turn to judge me?
I run my race and It is so blessed for me to read a scripture again:
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past (Isaiah 43:18, NIV).
Past can ruin people,but people can manipulate the heart,
as God asks us to guard our heart-wellspring of Life!
Now,Im born again,Most Blessed is:
On this day of your life, Au Chen, we believe God wants you to know ...
that each day is a day in making.
At any moment, you can make a different choice about what you are doing, how you are feeling, and what you are focusing on. It is never too late to start over again and make new choices.
I love my God,
because He is always doing new things in my life.
Knowing Jesus is the most blessed event ever in my life,
I don't want to get stucked by this 'sin' anymore,
today is a new day with new things God will do.
I almost fall in disappointment when I feel that God do not answer my prayer,
until I pray again, and He says,okay,life must go on.
Do not dwell in the past,new things ahead.
I choose Jesus,rather than condemnation.
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